Here you will find service times, directions, and what to expect from your first visit to Immanuel.
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plan a visit
Here you will find service times, directions, and what to expect from your first visit to Immanuel.
getting to know
each other
We know meeting someone for the first time can be intimidating, and going to a new church for the first time can be nerve-racking. We want to help make your first experience at Immanuel Church a great one!
So, what can I
expect ?
In total, an Immanuel Church service is about 65 - 75 minutes in length. Services begin usually with brief announcements and a welcome. We then open the worship service with a call to worship. Afterwards, there is usually an assortment of congregational singing that is rich in theology and is Christ-centered, followed by prayers, scripture readings, and the preaching of God's Word. We also observe the ordinances of baptism or the lords supper often after the sermon.
We believe that kids should also have an opportunity to be involved in the worship of God and to hear the gospel in an age appropriate environment. This is the goal of child care here at Immanuel. All ages stay together in the worship service until right before the sermon. Then, children are dismissed for a gosple-rich lesson time. In these sessions we also prioritize your child’s safety by having security personnel in place to regularly maintain the safety of our facilities. Child Care is offered at every weekend worship service for kids ages infant through grade 5.